
Japanese Temple roof photo
I was able to shoot from an angle that is easy to explain.Tile is the material used for such roofs.The object with the family crest in the foreground is also...
Japanese Temple roof photo
I was able to shoot from an angle that is easy to explain.Tile is the material used for such roofs.The object with the family crest in the foreground is also...

My activity
I have nothing to do with demonsbig temple in japanThere is a temple called MyoshinjiThis temple is top 5 in JapanApple's Steve Jobs went there to learn the Zen mindOrigin...
My activity
I have nothing to do with demonsbig temple in japanThere is a temple called MyoshinjiThis temple is top 5 in JapanApple's Steve Jobs went there to learn the Zen mindOrigin...

today's activity oni experience
This is an introduction to my other activities.About 5 years ago, we have been irregularly holding hands-on classes to make demons.Listed on Air bnb.The store is closed now because of...
today's activity oni experience
This is an introduction to my other activities.About 5 years ago, we have been irregularly holding hands-on classes to make demons.Listed on Air bnb.The store is closed now because of...

Onigawara, look at the roof of a Japanese houseIt is a character with a scary face on the roofI always ride on top of temples and housesHowever, onigawara is a...
Onigawara, look at the roof of a Japanese houseIt is a character with a scary face on the roofI always ride on top of temples and housesHowever, onigawara is a...

Type of roof tile
Type of roof tile About demons, demons tend to be interpreted as ONIGAWARA He is strongly influenced by Japanese thinking,Buddhism, and Zen thought. There is no good or bad, sometimes...
Type of roof tile
Type of roof tile About demons, demons tend to be interpreted as ONIGAWARA He is strongly influenced by Japanese thinking,Buddhism, and Zen thought. There is no good or bad, sometimes...

How to Kawara?kamon ver
Kamon is a crest that has been used since the Heian period to represent one's origin (family lineage, lineage, pedigree, and status). In an era when few people could read...
How to Kawara?kamon ver
Kamon is a crest that has been used since the Heian period to represent one's origin (family lineage, lineage, pedigree, and status). In an era when few people could read...